Episode 1.22: Place of Shadows.

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Starring: Everett Sloane, Sean McClory, Mark Damon
Written by: Robert C. Dennis (teleplay)
Directed by: Robert Stevens
First aired February 26, 1956

Episode Grade: B-

This episode takes place in a monastery!

Also, I am writing this with a fever of 100.1 so this should be interesting for all of us.

Hitch’s Intro:

Hitch is sitting on a desk. He thanks us for allowing him to come into our living rooms. He voices his dismay that the audience isn’t dressed very well–or at all–now that “two-way television is here.” And then there is some canned screaming. Then he mentions something about a new development where any object a viewer throws at the television will actually hit the performer.

Episode Re-Cap & Commentary:

A locomotive leaves the station. It’s winter. There is a blizzard, it seems. The station agent (Harry Tyler! Look! It’s Harry Tyler, our good friend. Yay!) takes off his glasses and puts on his coat. A young man comes in from the cold, wiping the fake snow from his shoulders. The station agent says it’s almost zero degrees, but the young man won’t have to wait long. “They called just a few minutes ago,” he tells the young man.

“Who?” asks the young man.

“THEM,” the station agent says. “Anyone who gets off here, there’s only one place they’re going. Up there.” And he points. The station agent doesn’t build a fire, since the car from the place with the thingy will be there in twenty minutes. He says the only other train that will be coming by is the Streamliner, and it never stops there. Then he asks the young man if he’s going “there” for good….”to stay, I mean,” he clarifies. The young man says no, and the agent says, “I didn’t think so. You don’t look like one of them.” And then he leaves. Goodbye then.

As the young man waits, he checks his GUN that is in his POCKET! Oh no! And as he checks to see if it’s loaded, a voice calls “Mr. Unser?” and startles the young man. It’s a monk. Brother Jared (Sean McClory), who apologizes for not meeting the train. He has a brogue. As they drive along in the jalopy (or “the machine” as Brother Jared calls it) the monk asks the young man (Unser?) that he will probably be wanting to know about Mr. Rocco.

Mr. Rocco was a friend…or “friend” of the young man/Unser’s and he is at the monastery. His “machine” went over a twenty-foot embankment, and the hospital was too far away, so he was brought to the monastery, where he was helped by Brother Charles. “He’s our doctor,” Brother Jared tells the young man.  Then the car skids, and after setting it straight, Brother Jared says “Yes we almost needed a doctor ourselves then.”

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